Friday, September 23, 2011

Movement of Earth's Tectonic Plates

We didn't have time to watch a video clip in class today, so here it is. Check it out to see what Earth looked like in the past, what it looks like now, and what scientists think it will look like in the future. I, for one, am excited about being so close to Africa.


  1. So when we do the test and your like a 85% or a 83% or a 82%.And you flunck the test for next week you dont have a chance to get pride because i am trying but im bad in geography.We cant get pride?

  2. I'll be honest. I don't know much about how Pride works. I do know you have to have at least a B in all of your classes and no detentions. If you're concerned about your Geography grade, you should look into doing the Advanced Project for extra credit. You should also make sure your notebook is completely up to date so you'll get a really good grade on that.

    Also, feel free to check out the Geography Links page on the left to find study resources so you can get higher grades on your tests. The first link on that page, Mrs. Churchill's Quia Page, has lots of fun games you can play to help you study. Check it out.

  3. Do we study chapter 3? in mrs.churchills

  4. Focus on Chapters 3 & 4 if you want to study for the test tomorrow.
